jueves, 2 de enero de 2020


Happy new year everyone!
One of the best ways to start the new year  is reading a book. These are the recommendations for this term and the following one:

- El pintor de las neuronas (Santiago Ramón y Cajal) . Ed. Anaya. Libro
disponible en el Departamento de Biología.
- El ayudante de Darwin , V. Muñoz Puelles. Ed. Algar, Algar Joven.
- No me baciles . Autor: Montserrat Argerich. Flor Rey. Editorial: Octaedro. Libro
disponible en el Departamento de Biología.
- Curiosidades del planeta Tierra , L. Moledo. ePubLibre.

You have to write una page in English with:
- a summary  of the book,
- what you have learned reading the book that you didn't know before
- your personal opinion about it (if you liked it or not, why, and if you will recommend it).

Remmember, reading one of thess books can give you a maximum of 0,5 extra points (you need to have a minimum mark of 5 in the term, one book maximum for each term). Don't wait until the last moment!

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Hola a todos: Aquí os dejo el archivo PDF con  tareas de refuerzo de los temas que hemos visto este curso.   Tareas de refuerzo Biología y...