lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Urinary sistem. VIDEO.

Watch the video and answer the following questions in your notebook. I recommend you to decrease the speed of the video to 0.75 (not less than that). And it would bebetter if you don't use subtitles, but if you need them, use ENGLISH subtitles. 

1. What are the 3 main function of kidneys mentioned in the video?
2. What toxic component is produced as a result of protein metabolism?
3. What less toxic compound is produced from the molecule you answered in question 2?
4. In what organ is urea formed?
5. What structure in the kidneys form urine?
6. What are the main processes needed to form urine?
7. What structure in the nephron looks like a ball of yarn?
8.  What part of the nephron reabsorbs  glucose and other useful  substances  to  the blood?
9.  What part of the nephron reabsorbs water?
10.       What is the name of the process by which hydrogen, potassium and other substances are actively transported to the distal convoluted tube?

jueves, 16 de enero de 2020


2 videos to understad how heart works:

The heart and circulatory system. How they work.

How the heart actually pumps blood  After watching the second video click on THINK. Then copy and answer the multiple choice questions in your notebook.


For those who want to improve their mark, specially if you are afraid to fail... you can do a short presentation to explain in class about one illness related to the circulatory system or the urinary system. You can choose one of the following ones:
Circulatory system:
- Leukaemia
- Anemia
- Myocardial infarction
- Haemophilia

Urinary system:
- Renal colic.
- Cystitis.
- Acute renal insufficiency (= acute kidney failure).

The presentation have to include:
- Brief description of the illness.
- Cause.
- Symptoms.
- Consequences (long term consequences or complications...).
- Treatment.
- Prevention (if it can be prevented).

You should include some pictures to explain better the illness.

Please, tell me in advance if you are going to do the presentation to organise the class schedule and not to repeat some illnesses.

martes, 7 de enero de 2020


Watch the video and answer the questions:

1)    What is a blood transfusion?
2)      Write down some characteristics of blood, such as consistency, taste…
3)      How much of your body weight does blood account for?
4)      What type of tissue is blood? Why do we classify it in that tissue type?
5)      List down the functions of blood that are mentioned in the video.
6)      What makes blood such a valuable resource?
7)      What are the types of cells our blood contains? What are their functions?
8)      What is blood plasma? What are some of its components?
9)      Name the stages of blood clotting (hemostasis).
10)   What’s hemophilia?
11)   What are the two systems to classify blood types? Explain them. How many blood types are there in total?
12)   Why are people with type-AB blood considered as universal recipients? Why are those with type-O blood considered as universal donors?

jueves, 2 de enero de 2020


Happy new year everyone!
One of the best ways to start the new year  is reading a book. These are the recommendations for this term and the following one:

- El pintor de las neuronas (Santiago Ramón y Cajal) . Ed. Anaya. Libro
disponible en el Departamento de Biología.
- El ayudante de Darwin , V. Muñoz Puelles. Ed. Algar, Algar Joven.
- No me baciles . Autor: Montserrat Argerich. Flor Rey. Editorial: Octaedro. Libro
disponible en el Departamento de Biología.
- Curiosidades del planeta Tierra , L. Moledo. ePubLibre.

You have to write una page in English with:
- a summary  of the book,
- what you have learned reading the book that you didn't know before
- your personal opinion about it (if you liked it or not, why, and if you will recommend it).

Remmember, reading one of thess books can give you a maximum of 0,5 extra points (you need to have a minimum mark of 5 in the term, one book maximum for each term). Don't wait until the last moment!


Hola a todos: Aquí os dejo el archivo PDF con  tareas de refuerzo de los temas que hemos visto este curso.   Tareas de refuerzo Biología y...