Have you ever thought about what you eat daily? Do you think your diet is healthy or not? Why is it so important to have a blaanced diet? The best way to understad what is a balanced diet and why is this important os to anaylise your own diet.
So in this unit you will write a report analysing your diet in a week. You will have to record everything you EAT and DRINK for a week, with approximate amounts (grams, pieces, slides of bread, glasses of water, cups of milk...). Then, you will analyse the diet considering:
So in this unit you will write a report analysing your diet in a week. You will have to record everything you EAT and DRINK for a week, with approximate amounts (grams, pieces, slides of bread, glasses of water, cups of milk...). Then, you will analyse the diet considering:
- The proportion of different types of nutrients present in the diet, or the frequency with which they are consumed.
- Total ammount of calories in a day and the daily average caloric supply: you can use this or another website to get information about the Kcal of main types of food: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/calorie-checker/
- The ammount of Kcal or KJ you consume per day compared with your energy needs. This web can help https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/eat-health-calculators
- You can use this Excel file as an example: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19MhsRC_oYEVq92VpX5h_1y6_P0iEItYX.
- Good points and weak points of the diet.
- Things to improve.
Then, write a report with your analysis. An example of the project plan could be:
You will use 1 or 2 classes with the assistant to prepare your report. Dead line: 4th of November.
- Front page with title, name and group
- Index
- Introduction: write about the importance of diet for our health and present the characteristics of the subject you are going to study.
- Raw data: present the information on your diet in a synthetic way. Choose a good visual display for the information, be creative, excel file is just a guide.
- Quantitative analysis: present information on the caloric intake and energy needs. Compare them and draw conclusions.
- Qualitative analysis: analyse the proportions of different types of food/nutrients in the diet you're studying, compare them with recommendable proportions (use food wheels or pyramids) and draw conclusions. INCLUDE THE AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SUGAR IN A DAY compared with the OMS recommendations. (On Friday the 18th a scientist from CSIC will explain this in a conference about sugar in food).
- Conclusions: good points and bad points in the diet (or lifestyle in general), health risks derived from that diet, suggestions to improve, etc.
You will use 1 or 2 classes with the assistant to prepare your report. Dead line: 4th of November.
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