martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Analysing your diet

Have you ever thought about what you eat daily? Do you think your diet is healthy or not? Why is it so important to have a blaanced diet? The best way to understad what is a balanced diet and why is this important os to anaylise your own diet. 

So in this unit you will write a report analysing your diet in a week. You will have to record everything you EAT and DRINK for a week, with approximate amounts (grams, pieces, slides of bread, glasses of water, cups of milk...). Then, you will analyse the diet considering:

  • The proportion of different types of nutrients present in the diet, or the frequency with which they are consumed. 
  • Good points and weak points of the diet.
  • Things to improve.

Then, write a report with your analysis.  An example of the project plan could be:

  • Front page with title, name and group
  • Index
  • Introduction: write about the importance of diet for our health and present the characteristics of the subject you are going to study.
  • Raw data: present the information on your diet in a synthetic way. Choose a good visual display for the information, be creative, excel file is just a guide.
  • Quantitative analysis: present information on the caloric intake and energy needs. Compare them and draw conclusions.
  • Qualitative analysis: analyse the proportions of different types of food/nutrients in the diet you're studying, compare them with recommendable proportions (use food wheels or pyramids) and draw conclusions. INCLUDE THE AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SUGAR IN A DAY compared with the OMS recommendations. (On Friday the 18th a scientist from CSIC will explain this in a conference about sugar in food). 
  • Conclusions: good points and bad points in the diet (or lifestyle in general), health risks derived from that diet, suggestions to improve, etc.

You will use 1 or 2 classes with the assistant to prepare your report. Dead line: 4th of November.  

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